On this page you can find information on just about anything related to the tour. Topics are organized by topic areas – we suggest you just read the whole thing, to know everything.

Amenities and Services

Acupuncture: Betsy Platt, the owner of AcuOm Acupuncture, offers treatment in camp for a variety of conditions. As a cyclist herself, she really understand the demands on a rider's body. Betsy takes appointments and drop-ins; contact her via email to schedule ahead.

Airport Transportation: We provide transportation to and from the nearest airport served by major airlines, using our vehicles or a charter bus depending on the distance. The shuttle fee depends on the distance and type of transportation.

Baggage Service (In Camp): We work with local youth organizations in most towns that provide kids to help with your bags. It’s optional for you to use this service. The kids work for tips.

Baggage Service (Lodging): We offer baggage and shuttle service to selected local lodging properties. Find details on the Tour page for your ride.

Chair Rental: You can rent a chair for the week for $25. Chairs are located by the baggage truck in each camp to pick up and return. Order a chair on our Retail page.

CPAP: If you use a CPAP machine and need overnight electricity, you’ll let us know during online event registration. We’ll have a CPAP camping section for tents next to Tent & Porter, with plugs for everyone.

Device Charging: We’ll have two free charging stations in each camp – one for the Tent & Porter area, and one for general camping. They have multiple types of charging ports.

Entertainment: We have some form of activity in each camp – music, educational or cultural presentations, etc. Some activities will be held just before dinner, and most will be after dinner and announcements. You can find a schedule in your RWGPS Experience app.

Laundry: We have a hand-wash station for clothes in camp, located at one of the water stations in the camping area.

License Plates: Each rider gets a bike license plate at check-in. You can write whatever you want on the front of it, but the back must have your emergency information. We provide zip-ties to attach it to your bike seat. This is not optional; it’s a safety measure.

Massage: A team of three LMTs accompanies the tour. They take appointments (usually necessary) and some walk-ups. Their appointments begin at 1:30 p.m. on regular days, and at 9 a.m. on layover days, and their last appointment is 9:30 each evening. Contact Garde Wells, Aric Naber or Maria Rose Weinstein to make advance appointments.

Mechanics – Camp: We have a team of three mechanics on each tour. Their labor is free; you pay for any parts or extra services such as detailing. The mechanics station opens at 4 p.m. each afternoon; please check in your bike before dinner if it needs work. Tipping the mechanics is a welcome gesture.

Pumps: We have a collection of bike pumps that will be located near the start/finish line in each location.

Retail: BRNW has two retail resources. You can order BRNW Tent & Porter service, event apparel, chair rentals, e-bike fees, optional activities, airport shuttle tickets, etc., before the event on our Retail page. We also have a retail operation during our tours, located near Camp Central, with apparel, toiletries and other items.

Rider Gifts: When you register you have the option of receiving three gifts: a pair of socks, a BRNW-branded lightweight backpack (for gear drop) and a high-end insulated beverage bottle. We ask you to use the bottle for as many beverages as possible (coffee, meals). If you already have a bottle or bag, please decline the new ones when you register; we want you to bring back your bottle and bag every year, to cut down on consumption. You’ll pick up your items at check-in on Arrival Day.

Tent & Porter Service: We offer up to 55 rental tents per tour. For a fee, our crew puts up one of our tents for you, brings your baggage to it, and sets up chairs for you. Same thing in reverse on the way out of each site. Tents can be single or double occupancy for the same fee. You can also add luxury air mattresses (limited quantity).

Towels: We provide one fresh towel each day for everyone on the tour; they’re located on tables next to the shower truck. One per day, please, or we could run out.

Wine Social: We have a wine social at 4 p.m. on one of the first few days of each tour. Riders bring bottles to donate at event check-in, and we transport them and then open them all at the social for everyone to share. The caterer provides accompanying food.

Band with Dan

Rider Feedback from 2024​:

“What really makes the tour special is the warmth and friendliness of all the staff. They're truly exceptional!”

Camp Structure

Announcements: Every evening right after dinner (7 p.m.), we’ll talk about the day’s highlights, go over the next day’s route, get a weather report, etc. It’s critical to be there for the first night’s announcements on Arrival Day (Saturday).

Baggage: You can bring up to two bags on the tour; two medium is better than one huge. Drop bags each day we move at the U-Haul trucks from 5:30-7:30 a.m. Pick baggage up at the next camp when you arrive. No chairs or other “outside attachments” allowed.

Bike Parking: You can park your bike anywhere in camp that doesn’t interfere with others’ tents or passageways. A bike lock is your choice.

Camp Central: Camp Central is the hub of each camp, with snacks/beverages, lost and found, activity schedules and more. They’re open 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Check-In: Check-in begins at 2 p.m. on the first Saturday of each tour. You’ll check in and receive license plates, rider gifts, any apparel orders and more.

Daily Schedule: You can see daily schedules for Moving Days – when we move camp to a new site – and Layover Days; it will also be on the RWGPS Experience app to download on your phone.

Flags: We have large “flutter flags” positioned in camp to let you know where resources are (e.g., charging station, water station, start/finish line, etc.).

Lost and Found: Camp Central is where lost and found is located. At the end of the week, all unclaimed items will be displayed at Camp Central.

Medical Care: We’ll have a professional medical team available in each camp and on the route each day. In camp, a medic will be on duty 6 to 8 am and then 3 to 9 pm on moving days. On layover days a medic will be on duty 6 am to 9 pm.

Parking: We will provide an area at our start location for you to park a vehicle for the week. During the event, only staff and designated non-rider vehicles are allowed to park in camp.

Showers: A shower truck with attached sinks accompanies the tour to each site. It has 16 unisex stalls, and we provide a fresh towel for everyone each day. The sinks are open from 5:30 to 7:30 a.m. in the morning (no showers). The showers are open from noon to 9 p.m. in camp.

Toilets: We have 18 portable toilets in each camp, usually in two or three banks near camping and dining. We also have toilets at rest stops, and one toilet stop early in the route each day.

Water: We have three water stations in each camp, with multiple spigots. One will remain until all riders have left in the morning; the others will be taken ahead to the next camp.

Jesus Rays

Rider Feedback from 2024​:

“The entire BRNW staff and crew are dedicated to making the riders happy and providing the best experience possible.”

Gerd Shasta

Travel & Logistics

Bike Boxes: If you ship your bike or fly with it, we will store your bike box in a secure spot for the week.

Bike Rental: We work with Sunnyside Sports in Bend for rental bikes. See the Planning page.

Bike Shipping: We work with local bike shops to receive and ship bikes, including assembly/disassembly. See the Planning page.

Lodging: We’re a camping tour, but you’re welcome to arrange lodging. We designate several properties in each town (depends on availability), and we provide luggage dropoff and pickup at those properties only. On moving days, baggage pickup will be at 7 am on moving days. Dropoff will be done before riders arrive in the next camp. We’ll provide transportation to lodging only at appointed times.

You’ll contact the properties directly to make reservations; they’ll have designated group rates for BRNW. There is a $100 fee for lodging baggage service.

Trip Insurance: During the registration process you’ll have the chance to purchase an individual trip insurance policy. We highly recommend this, in case something happens to you personally to interrupt or cancel your trip. The policies are through Allianz, and BRNW has no connection to or control over these policies.

Rider Feedback from 2024​:

“The level of support is great, and allows for flexibility in experiencing the route at your own leisure/pace.”

McKenzie Pass


Cancellations: See our rider and event cancellation policies on the Register page.

Complaints: If you have a concern or complaint, please direct it to one of two people: Executive Director Jim Moore, or Operations Director Bob Anderson. Crew members will be able to connect you to them.

E-bikes: We allow e-bikes on a case-by-case basis; read more about our e-bike policy here.

Non-Riders: We allow up to 5 non-rider vehicles to register for each tour. The non-rider registers for a reduced price and has access to all camp meals and amenities. There are parking spots designated for non-rider vehicles in each camp.

Tipping: Crew tips are completely voluntary, but very much appreciated. They’re split evenly among all crew members. You can tip directly to the Executive Director, at Camp Central, or via Venmo (BRNW1) or PayPal (bicycleridesnw).

Rider Feedback from 2024​:

“This is an easy way for anyone who may be intimidated to ride somewhere new on their own, because BRNW plans and takes care of everything, including selecting fun, scenic and safe routes.”

On the Route

Gear Drop: We’ll have gear drop stations at all rest stops. Bring your event backpack or bag with your name on it when you start the day’s ride, and you can shed any extra gear (jackets, gloves, etc.) by leaving your bag at a rest stop. It will be delivered back to camp in the afternoon, near Camp Central.

Mechanics – Route: There will be a mechanic on duty at all rest stops.

Medical Care: We’ll have a professional medical team available in each camp and on the route each day. The route medic will patrol the route from 7 am to 3 pm each day.

Medical Insurance: Riders are required to carry health insurance in order to participate. In the case of medical care beyond basic first aid, the rider is responsible for medical costs, including emergency transport.

Navigation: Our routes have multiple navigation systems. During registration you can choose to receive paper maps; the route is physically marked with chalk and traffic-cone signs; the RWGPS Experience app lets you download turn-by-turns to your phone; you can also download route files to GPS devices.

Rest Stops: We have two full rest stops on “regular” days; on some layover days there will only be one. We try to space them out at 1/3 and 2/3 through the day’s route, but it’s dependent on adequate space being available. Our rest stops have a lavish spread of foods, plus beverages, mechanics, toilets and gear drop.

Ride With GPS Experience: We create a separate RWGPS Experience package for each tour, which you can download to your smartphone. It includes route maps, camp site plans, schedules, contacts and more, so you can have access to the information at all times.

Route Hours/Riding Pace: On normal days the route is open at 7 a.m. This can change in special circumstances (layovers, weather). Anyone on the route before the official start time is riding unsupported, and we are not responsible for them. If you fall significantly behind the main riding group, you may be bumped up by a SAG; if you refuse this you will ride unsupported.

Route Maps: You’ll be asked if you want a set of printed route maps when you register. If you’ve requested a set, you’ll pick it up at check-in.

Route Marking: You’ll see chalk markings on the route indicating turns and direction, as well as traffic cones with signs for turns, stops, distances, safety concerns, etc.

SAG Service: our SAG (Support and Gear) service includes 5 vehicles on the route each day. You can ride in a SAG vehicle if you’re injured, have a mechanical problem or just need a ride up a big hill; we run a “no-shame SAG” operation. SAGs are not daily personal taxis, of course. SAG vehicles are equipped with bike racks, first aid, some food/drink, bike pumps and more.

Toilet Stop: We have a toilet and water stop roughly 10 miles into each day’s route.

Water Stops: There will be water stops positioned on routes based on terrain, weather, mileage between rest stops, etc. They will have multiple jugs of water, and sometimes food items.

Health and Safety

We take safety very seriously, on the road and in camp. We want to ensure a safe atmosphere, so you must adhere to our safety policy.

Acupuncture: Betsy Platt, LAc, offers acupuncture treatments in camp, by appointment or walk-in. Email her for an appointment.

Emergency Care: In addition to the medical professionals on the event, all our crew members are certified in first aid and adult CPR. If you have an accident or medical condition and a crew member is the nearest event staff near you, they will assess your needs. If you need care beyond basic first aid, we’ll take you to the medical tent in camp, or to the nearest emergency medical center, or call 911 for transport if it’s a serious medical situation.

First Aid: Camp Central and all SAG vehicles have a well-stocked first-aid kit.

Massage: A team of three LMTs accompanies the tour. They take appointments (usually necessary) and some walk-ups. Their appointments begin at 1:30 p.m. on regular days, and at 9 a.m. on layover days, and their last appointment is 9:30 each evening. Contact Garde Wells, Aric Naber or Maria Rose Weinstein to make advance appointments.

Rider Etiquette: With 300 people, etiquette is paramount. Follow the law, communicate all passing, and ride safely. Anyone willfully riding inconsiderately or unsafely can be removed from the event.

Waiver: You can review the event waiver at any time. You’ll be asked to e-sign it when you register; we’ll also have paper copies available at check-in.

Yoga/Stretching: Each afternoon at 4:30 an instructor will lead a free session in camp that combines elements of yoga with cyclist-specific stretching.

Food and Beverage

Beer and Wine: We provide a variety of free beer, wine and cider in Camp Central from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day, along with many other beverages.

Dietary Considerations: We offer omnivore, vegan and gluten-free options at all meals and stops. We do everything we can to accommodate riders’ needs. If you have a specific dietary need beyond that, please contact our caterer, Catering Rides Northwest, to let them know ahead of time.

Meals: Three meals are served each day: breakfast is from 6 to 7 a.m.; lunch is served informally from noon to 4 p.m.; dinner is from 6 to 7 p.m.


We have a dedicated Sustainability team that focuses on “reduce, reuse and recycle.” They manage the flow of garbage, recycling and compost, and operate the dishwashing for reusable meal kits.

Compost: We compost as much of our food waste locally as possible. There will be separate receptacles at dining and dishwashing for food waste.

Dishwashing: We have a commercial-grade dishwasher to wash mealware after meals in camp, and will have reusable mealware (including utensils) available. You’ll drop off your mealware at the Sustainability station next to dining after each meal.

Garbage: We try to minimize our “garbage footprint” by using composting, dishwashing and other methods to reduce our waste. There will be numerous garbage receptacles throughout camp and at route stops. Please carefully sort your waste if it’s recyclable or compostable.

Handwashing: Handwashing stations will be located with each bank of toilets in camp, at the head of the dining line and at route stops. We cannot stress enough that everyone must wash their hands before eating and after using the toilets.

Mealware: We will supply identical reusable mealware, including utensils, in camp; please don’t bring your own kit.

Recycling: We recycle as many materials as we can; it depends on what local recycling stations accept. Separate recycling receptacles are put out along with the garbage receptacles.

Connect With Us

Bicycle Rides Northwest

5725 NE Cleveland Avenue 

Portland, OR 97211 



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Imagery Credits

The following people have contributed photos and/or videos to the website:

  • Burk Webb, Derailleur Films
  • John Mejia
  • Phil Bard, Bard Photography
  • K’Lynn Lane, Memory Lane Photography
  • Terry Poe, Poe Photography
  • Mike Westby
  • Jim Moore
  • Alice Bonham
  • Bill Buckley
  • Miranda Morehouse
  • Jack Newlevant